Application of modern bioanalytical tools in the quality control of dairy products
Hungary-Slovakis Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013
The project is dedicated to the improvement of milk quality control for the benefit of agriculture of Hungarian-Slovak cross-border region. The proposal is based on the technology transfer of recent scientific analytical developments to the industrial sector.
The aim is the industrial adaptation of modern bioanalytical tools allowing the determination of protein breakdown processes, with special emphasis on the characterization of compositional changes in milk. Protein degradation many times has beneficial effects in dairy industry, such as flavour development and texture changes, however, uncontrolled processes can also adversely effect food quality.
Academic and industrial research entities is cooperating in the present project to establish methods and develop bioanalytical sensors capable to follow those quality changes of milk which are not routinely measured in today’s practice. To reach this goal the institutions form a common research infrastructure composed of analytical instrumentation, as well as scientific and practical knowledge. Hence, the cooperation is providing expertise from standardized routine qualification to the pioneering nanotechnology based sensor developments. This joint effort ensures the success of the project outcome and also the exploitation of mutual benefits in research work, as well as Hungarian and Slovakian relations.
Project partners:
- Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Reserach Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, HUNGARY
- Comenius University in Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
Supporting parner:
- Hungarian Dairy Research Institute, Mosonmagyaróvár, HUNGARY